“Amok Time” Reprise

On August 25th, the Post-Meridian Radio Players will reprise the Gender-Swapped Star Trek: episode we performed at the Arisia science-fiction convention in January, “Amok Time”! Ms. Spock experiences pon farr, a potentially fatal condition in which female Vulcans lose the logic and self-control that normally guides them and become driven to find a mate. To save the life of her friend, Captain Jane Kirk takes the Enterprise to Vulcan so that Ms. Spock can marry her betrothed T’Pring, but the Captain may pay an unexpected price.

Performance Dates

Saturday, August 25, 2018 @ 2:00pm (matinée)
Saturday, August 25, 2018 @ 8:00pm

Both performances will be at Boston Brunch Church (formerly Responsible Grace, just off of College Ave near Davis Square)!


Captain Kirk ..... Karen Sarao
Ms. Spock ..... Adria Kyne
Dr. McCoy ..... Catherine Bromberg
Ms. Scott ..... Sarah Brinks
Lt. Uhura ..... Michael Lewis
Ens. Chekov ..... Caitlin Mason
Nurse Chapel ..... Michael Lin
Lt. Sulu ..... Kathleen Lewis
T’Pring ..... Pieter Wallace
T’Pau ..... Helen Edgar
Ston ..... Rose Martin
Director ..... Mindy Klenoff
Sound and Foley design ..... Brad Smith
Foley Artist and Sound Board Op ..... Liz Salazar
Stage Manager ..... Caitlin Mason
House Manager ..... Mare Freed
Producer ..... Caitlin Mason


Attendance is free, with donations gratefully accepted.


Boston Brunch Church
(fomerly Responsible Grace Church)
204 Elm Street
Somerville, MA

View Boston Brunch Church on a larger map.